Wildlife Exclusion and Prevention Services for Evansville Residents

When seeking professional wildlife exclusion services in Evansville, calling our team is the first step towards securing your property from unwanted animal intrusions. Our experienced technicians understand the behavior of local wildlife and use proven methods to keep them out of your home. By entrusting us with your wildlife exclusion needs, you can rest assured that your property will be protected from any potential disturbances.

What Is Wildlife Exclusion?

Wildlife exclusion is a strategic approach that aims to prevent animals from accessing and inhabiting a particular area, typically by implementing barriers or deterrents. This method focuses on keeping wildlife away from homes or properties, reducing potential damage and risks associated with wildlife intrusions. By effectively excluding animals from these areas, residents can create a safer and more peaceful environment for themselves and their families.

Benefits of Professional Wildlife Exclusion

Professional wildlife exclusion services offer homeowners a reliable solution to safeguard their properties from animal intrusions.

  1. Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to effectively exclude wildlife.
  2. Safety: Trained technicians ensure the exclusion process is carried out safely for both humans and animals.
  3. Long-term Solutions: Professionals provide lasting solutions to prevent future wildlife intrusions.
  4. Peace of Mind: Homeowners can enjoy peace of mind knowing their property is protected.

Wildlife Prevention Techniques

When it comes to wildlife prevention techniques, homeowners in Evansville have several options at their disposal. Physical barriers, such as fences and netting, can effectively keep animals out of unwanted areas. Non-toxic animal repellents, chimney capping, chew-resistant caulking, and vent screening are also valuable tools in the fight against wildlife intrusion.

Physical Barriers

Utilizing physical barriers is a proven method for effectively preventing wildlife from accessing unwanted areas. Fences, netting, and sealants can help keep animals like raccoons and squirrels out of attics, basements, and gardens. By installing sturdy barriers, Evansville residents can protect their homes and properties from potential wildlife intrusions. These physical barriers serve as reliable deterrents, ensuring a safe and secure environment for both humans and wildlife.

Non-Toxic Animal Reppellents

To complement physical barriers in wildlife exclusion, incorporating non-toxic animal repellents can further enhance the protection of Evansville properties against unwanted wildlife intrusions. These repellents use natural ingredients like peppermint, garlic, or predator urine to deter animals without causing harm. By strategically placing these repellents around vulnerable areas, residents can discourage wildlife from entering their properties, creating a safer environment for both humans and animals.

Chimney Capping

Chimney capping is a highly effective wildlife prevention technique that safeguards homes from animal entry through the chimney. By installing a cap over the chimney opening, Evansville residents can prevent birds, squirrels, raccoons, and other wildlife from entering their homes. This simple yet crucial step not only protects the property but also ensures the safety and well-being of both the homeowners and the animals.

Chew Resistant Caulking

When considering wildlife prevention techniques for homes in Evansville, using chew-resistant caulking can be a highly effective measure to protect against animal intrusions. This specialized caulking is designed to withstand gnawing and biting from persistent pests like rodents. By sealing off potential entry points with chew-resistant caulking, homeowners can fortify their property and prevent wildlife from gaining access to their homes.

Vent Screening

Installing vent screening is a crucial step in safeguarding homes against wildlife intrusions in Evansville. By covering vents with durable screening, residents can prevent animals like raccoons and squirrels from entering attics or crawl spaces. This method effectively blocks potential entry points while still allowing proper airflow. Properly installed vent screening is an essential component of wildlife exclusion strategies to protect homes in Evansville.

Professional Wildlife Exclusion Services

Professional wildlife exclusion services encompass a range of critical tasks to ensure the safety and well-being of both humans and animals. These services often involve relocating animal nests to safer locations, repairing structural damage caused by wildlife, and thoroughly cleaning up animal waste to prevent health hazards. By addressing these key points, wildlife exclusion services play a vital role in maintaining a harmonious balance between urban development and wildlife preservation.

Animal Nest Relocation

Wildlife exclusion experts offer efficient and humane animal nest relocation services as part of their comprehensive wildlife management solutions. When wildlife creatures build nests in unwanted areas, such as attics or crawl spaces, these experts safely relocate the nests to more suitable locations. By utilizing specialized techniques and equipment, they ensure the well-being of both the animals and the property. This service helps maintain harmony between humans and wildlife in residential areas.

Structural Damage Repairs

Efficient repairs of structural damage caused by wildlife are essential for maintaining the integrity and safety of your property. Professional wildlife exclusion services in Evansville offer expertise in identifying and repairing damage from animals like raccoons, squirrels, and bats. By addressing compromised areas promptly, these services help prevent further intrusion and safeguard your home from potential risks associated with wildlife infestations.

Animal Waste Cleanup

Addressing animal waste cleanup is a crucial aspect of maintaining a property’s hygiene and safety after wildlife intrusions, ensuring a thorough restoration process. Professional wildlife exclusion services not only remove the waste but also sanitize the affected areas, eliminating potential health hazards. By entrusting this task to experts, Evansville residents can guarantee a clean and safe environment, promoting the well-being of both their property and its occupants.

Cons of DIY Animal Exclusion and Prevention

When it comes to DIY animal exclusion and prevention, there are several drawbacks to consider. While it may seem cost-effective, it can often lead to incomplete solutions. Additionally, lack of expertise can result in unintentional harm to the animals or damage to property. It’s essential to weigh these factors carefully before deciding on the best approach for wildlife management.


  1. Inadequate knowledge of animal behavior may result in ineffective exclusion methods.
  2. DIY attempts can sometimes exacerbate the problem rather than solving it.
  3. Improper handling of wildlife can pose risks to both humans and animals.
  4. The cost of repairs due to unsuccessful DIY attempts can outweigh the initial savings.

Hire a Local Wildlife Exclusion Expert Today

Consider hiring a local wildlife exclusion expert today to effectively address the drawbacks of attempting animal exclusion and prevention on your own. DIY methods can be challenging and may not provide a long-term solution. Professionals have the knowledge, experience, and specialized tools to ensure proper exclusion techniques, minimizing the risk of property damage and ensuring the safety of both humans and wildlife.

Get in Touch Today!

We want to hear from you about your Wildlife Control needs. No Wildlife Control problem in Evansville is too big or too small for our experienced team! Call us or fill out our form today!